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With our Server Management services, you can leave the complexity of IT to us and instead focus on growing your business. Trust our team of experts to get your servers up and running smoothly.

At Make IT Simple, we understand how vital it is to have effective server management for your business. We are committed to providing reliable structure for your systems, protecting your data and the information of your clients, and maintaining the long-term, optimal performance of your servers.


Customizable and reliable structuring


Long-term, optimal performance


Protection for software and data

Server Architecture

When Make IT Simple builds your Server Architecture…


Your server will be Scalable

Whether you’re targeting a few thousand users or aiming for millions, we are prepared to scale your systems to meet your needs.

Your solution will be Efficient

We use CI/CD pipelines with GitHub, Bitbucket, and AWS to reduce manual labor, catch bugs earlier, and increase overall productivity.

Your design will be Flexible

We’ll develop a design that is customized and responsive: your user interface will work on mobile devices, tablets, and computers.

Your project will be On-Time

We’ll make a plan with you and set a date for completion. If more demands come up, we’ll add more engineers to meet the deadline.

You work with Professionals

We have experience with a wide range of frameworks, including Apache®, Laravel, MySQL, Vue, and more.

You work with a Team

We tackle issues as a team to save your time and money. It’s that Simple!

Horizontal Scalability

As your business grows, it is crucial that your servers have the capacity to handle increasingly larger workloads. We will structure your system so that you can easily add more servers to increase processing power and handle traffic spikes without compromising performance.

Vertical Scalability

We can also use vertical scalability to adjust the processing power, memory, and storage capacity of your existing server. We will first run tests and provide a detailed analysis of your server, then we’ll work closely with you to optimize and scale your server to meet your specific needs and reduce your costs.

Load Balancers: Optimize and Stabilize your System’s Performance

As your business grows, you will likely acquire tens or even hundreds of servers to meet rising demands. That is why we provide load balancers as a part of our cloud services to distribute network traffic evenly across all of your servers. Not only will this optimize server use, but it will also improve responsiveness and overall uptime, even during unexpected spikes in traffic. You will be able to consistently deliver high-performing digital experiences to your users, build your business’s credibility, and enhance your customers’ satisfaction.

Data Backup and Recovery


Data Backup and Recovery

Our data backup and recovery services provide comprehensive protection for your digital assets. Every file iteration is saved with cloud versioning, allowing easy restoration to any previous state. Through file system integration with the cloud, your data is accessible, synced across devices, and securely stored offsite. Our databases can be programmed to upload hourly, daily, or weekly, and come in any size that you need. Additionally, we offer cost-effective slow retrieval methods to balance the costs of backing up your data on the cloud. We’ll work closely with you to determine the best data recovery and backup plan for your business.

Cloud Server Monitoring

Real-time monitoring to ensure long-term performance.

Comprehensive Monitoring

Our monitoring services will allow you to track and observe your entire cloud infrastructure's performance, including CPU usage, disk read/write speeds, network latency, memory usage, error reports, bandwidth, server health metrics, and much more.


Our programs will detect and alert you about issues before they become serious problems that impact your server or application. This proactive approach helps you fix issues promptly, thereby minimizing downtime and maintaining service quality.

Improved Security

Our services will identify security threats by detecting unusual behavior, such as unfamiliar outbound connections or suspicious login attempts. It will also ensure compliance with security policies and regulations.

Cost Efficiency

By providing insights into resource usage, our monitoring services will help you identify where resources are being underutilized or wasted.


Data collection, performance tracking, alerts, some elements of issue resolution, and more will be completely automated. The need for manual monitoring will be removed and your teams will have more time to focus on other important tasks.

Our Server Monitoring Technologies

Our service suite offers a comprehensive approach to managing your infrastructure.


As a fundamental part of our monitoring services, Grafana provides advanced data visualization and analysis to help us optimize your server’s performance.

  • Data Visualization

    With Grafana, we can present complex data in a simple manner. Its extensive charting options, custom dashboards, and other features help us visualize and track your data effectively.

  • Real-time Monitoring

    Grafana’s real-time monitoring allows us to track your server’s performance and identify anomalies. Data is collected from across all of your servers, analytics performed, and reports automatically generated. Grafana’s custom alerting feature notifies us when your data hits certain thresholds.



Cloudflare is a powerful web security and performance management tool. We use it to protect your infrastructure against cyber threats, enhance application loading speed and overall reliability, and connect your workers and servers in a global network. Our team will work with you to configure Cloudflare based on your specific needs.



We use Bugsnag as a real-time error tracking tool for your systems. We constantly monitor and receive alerts about errors that occur in your servers, allowing us to provide proactive trouble-shooting to quickly resolve any issues that may arise.


Server Security

Secure Code

The code that we write at Make IT Simple is developed with security in mind. We use input validation (including sanity checks) and other methods of sanitization to prevent SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and other malicious attacks on your servers.

Global Security

The security measures we take will protect your information from all types of cyber-attacks, no matter where they originate in the world. You’ll be able to lock entire countries or even specific IP addresses.

Up-to-date Software

New updates often include patches for security vulnerabilities and general improvements to security features and functionalities, along with overall performance improvements that will ensure that your systems are running reliably. We’ll make sure to keep your software up-to-date and ahead of evolving digital threats.

AWS Best Practices

We follow AWS best practices such as Identity and Access Management (IAM), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Least Privilege Principle, Key Rotation, CloudTrail, Security Groups and Network Access Control Lists (NACLs), Incident Response, Consistent Auditing and Monitoring, Backup and Disaster Recovery, and more.


We encrypt your sensitive data and information using strong encryption methods without sacrificing your server’s performance.


Flexible. Experienced. Scalable.


Flexible. Experienced. Scalable.

At Make IT Simple, we understand that each business is unique. That’s why we work closely with you to provide the best server management services for your business to ensure that all your systems are reliable, secure, and maintained. It’s that Simple.

Take Your Business to the Next Level!

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